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Costa Rica: flying low

Monday, May 20, 2013

Government support went into a nosedive last week, with the resignation of four senior officials, including Francisco Chacon, the chief spokesperson of Laura Chinchilla, who together with the President flew to Peru earlier this on a private jet, allegedly owned by a Colombian businessman under investigation for drug trafficking.

National Drug Commissioner Mauritius Boraschi, along with Irene Pacheco, a long-time advisor to Chinchilla, also resigned.

No one in the Costa Rican government is alleged to be involved with trafficking, or to have known who was the owner of the aircraft.

Nevertheless, there was widespread public indignation at a perceived lack of effective control in the cabinet.

The departure of Chacón brings to 15, the number of ministers who have left office during the administration of Chinchilla, who has reached the lowest level of popularity of any Costa Rican president in the last 30 years.

Three quarters of decided respondents say that she has governed poorly, according to a survey last month by CID-Gallup.

Costa Ricans will vote for a new President and Legislature next February.