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Costa Rica seen as having biggest increase in corruption

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A significant majority of Costa Ricans – 65% - think that corruption has risen in their country, according to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer.

Costa Rica has the highest perceived increase in Central America, and the eighth highest in Latin America.

With 42 percent of respondents perceiving an increase in corruption, Guatemala has the best score in the region.

Argentina, where 41 per cent think corruption increased, has the best result in Latin America, while Veneuzela is last with 87 percent saying corruption has worsened.

Scores are based on the percentage of respondents in each country who say that corruption increased either “a lot” or “somewhat” over the previous year.

The survey, published last month, was conducted in August and September, 2016 (numbers in brackets indicate the percentage of people who think corruption has risen).

1  Costa Rica (65)
2  El Salvador (53)
3  Honduras (53)
4  Nicaragua (52)
5  Panama (52)
6  Guatemala (42)