Honduras has the most "neither-nor"
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

About 800,000 young Hondurans are part of the generation “neither-nor”, a concept that describes the population under 30, which neither studies nor works.
This figure, the highest in Central America, means that about no less than a third of young Hondurans are idle, according to a report jointly published last month by Latinobarómetro and the United Nations World Population Fund.
In Latin America, the Dominican Republic has the highest percentage (34%) of “neither-nor” young people.
In Central America, Panama is second on the list, with 32% of young people who belong to this group.
Figures represent the percentage of the population under 30, neither working nor studying.
1. Honduras 33
2. Panama 32
3. Nicaragua 28
4. El Salvador 27
5. Costa Rica 20
6. Guatemala 18