Friday, July 26, 2024

Logo Central America Link

Region: security

Monday, November 14, 2011

Last week's Guatemalan election, along with the announcement of a United States-El Salvador aid program, will create opportunities in the security sector. Guatemala's president-elect, Otto Pérez Molina, ran on a law-and-order platform, understandable in a country, which has one of the world's highest indices of violent crime. Immediately following his victory, Pérez announced that one of his first acts as president will be to impose new taxes, which will give his administration the money it needs to increase the size and effectiveness of security services. The situation is not much better in El Salvador, whose president was in Washington earlier this month, to sign an aid pact, which includes a big focus on crime-fighting. Security issues in both countries involve conventional crime and drug trafficking.


  • Security consultants
  • Equipment suppliers