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Regional integration, without Funes or Ortega

Monday, February 25, 2013

This week, the heads of state of the Central American countries, together with the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, met in Costa Rica, to discuss several important regional issues.

However, the absence of Salvadoran president, Mauricio Funes, and Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, called as much public attention as the conference itself.

As for Ortega, it is believed that the recent border conflicts with Costa Rica, were the reason for his absence, although Managua has not given an official explanation.

In relation to Funes, some Salvadoran media claimed that there was friction between him and Peña Nieto, although the foreign minister rejected that explanation.

The conferene agenda included the war against drug trafficking and organized crime, and a strengthening of commercial ties among member countries, as well as those between Central America and the United States.

The Central American Integration System, which organized the conference, invited Mexico to join the efforts of the Central American Security Strategy, and to promote discussion of the issue of drug trafficking in the UN.

Participants also agreed to take joint measures to combat the scourge of coffee rust, which in recent months has affected more than half of the region’s coffee production.